Private Rental Sector Exit Plan?

Now that we have a roadmap out of national lockdown, the Government “should set out how it intends for the sector to transition out of the pandemic… to publish a proper exit plan for the private rented sector from national and local restrictions” says the Housing Communities and Local Government Committee*. The current restrictions are in force until 31/05/2021 and are: 1. Six months’ notice needs to be given to tenants before possession proceedings can be started, except where there: a) Is anti-social behaviour. b) Are over 6 months’ accumulated rent arrears. c) Have been false statements provided by the tenant. d) Has been a breach of the ‘Right to Rent’ rules. 2. Possession orders and warrants are not to be enforced, except where: a) The tenants have committed antisocial behaviour. b) There are substantial rent arrears, equivalent to six months’ rent. c) The tenants have provided false statements to secure a tenancy. d) The claim is against unknown trespassers. e) The tenant has passed away. At present, there is no indication from Government what transitions are to be put in place, and from when. Of course, as soon as we know – we will let you know! However, it is worthwhile noting that there will not be an immediate switch back to the ‘normal’ approach, but rather a transition where notice periods are likely to be phased back to their original timescales… Does this affect you? Do you have issues with tenants and not know what to do next? Get in touch for some free and friendly initial advice… 01704 790 532,,   * Protecting the homeless and the private rented sector: MHCLG’s response to Covid-19 – Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee – House of Commons (, para. 19.

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